Category Archives: Marketing
Is Portland a Startup City? YES!
Check out this great video on the Portland startup scene. Portland is a great place to work and to start a company! Startup Cities: Portland, OR from Engine Advocacy on Vimeo.
What I’m reading this week – 12/13/2013
It’s Friday the 13th! No scary links here… just my favorite digital marketing articles I’ve been reading the week. 8 things CMOs should know about CDOs takes a look at the increased popularity of the chief digital officer role and how it will influence how CMOs and organisations engage with their customers Chief Digital…
What are the most coveted digital marketing skills for 2014?
The Online Marketing Institute just completed a their 2014 State of Digital Marketing Talent study, where they asked 747 advertising and Fortune 500 marketing executives which digital marketing skills they value the most, and which skills their talent actually possess. OMI prepared this handy infographic highlighting the needs and gaps in talent. If you are…
What I'm reading this week – 9/25/13
Here are my favorite digital marketing articles I’ve been reading the week of 9/25/2013. Study: 61 Percent Of Mobile Callers Ready To Convert As a marketer if you’re not making it easy for mobile users to call you, you’re losing business. A new survey of 3,000 US smartphone users, conducted by IPSOS on behalf of…
The Art of Web Design – A PBS Video
In PBS’ latest video of their Off Book video series that explores cutting edge art, internet culture, and the people that create it they examine the art of web design. It’s a great overview of design, layout, CSS, HTML, etc. A great watch.
Rich Snippets, an Illustrated Guide
SEOmoz has created an another excellent infographic on the topic of rich snippets. If you are not familiar with Rich Snippets, take a look at this great documentation by Google. Snippets—the few lines of text that appear under every search result—are designed to give users a sense for what’s on the page and why it’s…
The importance of local search in your marketing plan
Local search is a huge opportunity for any business that operates physical locations. In the US alone, there are over 10 billion unique searches done each month. Of those searches: 20% of queries have local intent (1) 5% use the city and/or state name (2) 2% use informal terms, like neighborhoods (2) 0.5% use zip…
Features versus functions: how not to hype a new smart phone
I’ve been seeing a lot of commercials recently about the new Motorola Droid Razr phone. My dad asked me after seeing a recent ad: “what does that phone do?”. I didn’t have an answer. All the commercial showed was the phone flying through the air slicing everything in its path. Why would I want to…
Create an infographic of your LinkedIn profile with
My LinkedIn profile has a lot of great information about my career but it isn’t very compelling to look at. A new site called takes your LinkedIn profile and creates a infographic from your career timeline, skills and recommendations. It’s in beta right now, but is open to all. Check it out.
My Day2 Video
I’ve been working with ISITE Design for about 9 months and recently started a program with them called Day2. Its a perfect solution to a problem that we were facing with our redesign last year. Here’s a description from the Day2 website: Day2 is a new way of thinking about your website and digital marketing…