Category Archives: Advertising
Features versus functions: how not to hype a new smart phone
I’ve been seeing a lot of commercials recently about the new Motorola Droid Razr phone. My dad asked me after seeing a recent ad: “what does that phone do?”. I didn’t have an answer. All the commercial showed was the phone flying through the air slicing everything in its path. Why would I want to…
What keywords drive 97% of Google's revenue?
Google gets most of it’s revenue from Adwords. But did you ever wonder what the top 20 keywords that drive that volume? WordStream, a provider of hosted software that automates most of the manual work involved with creating and optimizing both paid and natural search engine marketing campaigns, has done some research to discover which…
Social Media Revolution
Still unsure whether or not social media should be part of your digital marketing plan? Check out this fantastic video highlighting key statistics on social media.
A fun view of Portland Oregon
In my recent travels to Hawaii and Orlando, I’ve had to explain to people why Portland is such a great place to live. Sure, it’s no Hawaii, but it does have it’s high points which this video outlines nicely. Great job Travel Oregon.
The Internet By the Numbers
Interesting statistics on the growth of the internet. Facebook continues its dominance (6 million page views a minute) and incredible growth (350+ million users). Incredible. Another stat that I find alarming is out of the 247 billion emails sent a day, 200 billion are spam! JESS3 / The State of The Internet from Jesse Thomas…
What's your Online Identity score?
If you are looking for a job in this tight economy, recruiters and potential employers will surely be looking you up online. When a potential employer searches on Google or Yahoo for someone, they judge the results based on two factors: volume and relevance. Volume speaks to the quantity of results on the Web. If…
30 Essential Books for Web Professionals
Keeping up to date on the latest technologies, marketing concepts and internet trends can be a daunting task. There is never enough time in the day to stay on top of everything. Trying to find the right reading material can be just as challenging. To help, I’ve compiled a list of the essential books I…
Don't be the next retail failure. Do your research.
If I asked you to name a few locations around your house that are perpetually business failures, you could probably rattle off a few. One location in particular I pass by often is now changed hands once again. Located in the prime location next to OR-217 and Canyon Road, this location has been at least…
Mattress World should fire their marketing copywriter
Mattress World is staple around Portland Oregon. They advertise relentlessly on TV and on the radio. If you live here you no doubtingly have heard their ads over and over. Their ads are on so much that I basically tune them out every time they come on. The other day I actually listened to the…
2008's best advertising stunts & ideas
View more presentations from Ayman Sarhan.