Category Archives: Video
My Day2 Video
I’ve been working with ISITE Design for about 9 months and recently started a program with them called Day2. Its a perfect solution to a problem that we were facing with our redesign last year. Here’s a description from the Day2 website: Day2 is a new way of thinking about your website and digital marketing…
Social Media Revolution
Still unsure whether or not social media should be part of your digital marketing plan? Check out this fantastic video highlighting key statistics on social media.
A fun view of Portland Oregon
In my recent travels to Hawaii and Orlando, I’ve had to explain to people why Portland is such a great place to live. Sure, it’s no Hawaii, but it does have it’s high points which this video outlines nicely. Great job Travel Oregon.
The Internet By the Numbers
Interesting statistics on the growth of the internet. Facebook continues its dominance (6 million page views a minute) and incredible growth (350+ million users). Incredible. Another stat that I find alarming is out of the 247 billion emails sent a day, 200 billion are spam! JESS3 / The State of The Internet from Jesse Thomas…
Providence Pink Glove Dance
Providence Health & Services put together this video to generate breast cancer awareness throughout their hospital system. This great example of a hospital not taking themselves too seriously and having a great time for a great cause. What a great example of Providence showcasing their brand to the world.
Mattress World should fire their marketing copywriter
Mattress World is staple around Portland Oregon. They advertise relentlessly on TV and on the radio. If you live here you no doubtingly have heard their ads over and over. Their ads are on so much that I basically tune them out every time they come on. The other day I actually listened to the…
GolfNow Trivia Contest – 500th Show
This will be the last GolfNow trivia show for 2008. See you next year.